Masonry Architecture

A Computational Approach for Aenewable Architecture

A computational approach for renewable architecture; a generative design approach using bioplastics and earth by **Idil Gumruk**

Reconfigurable architecture for compression-only structures

Reconfigurable architecture for compression-only structures by **Leticija Petrova**


ShellTerra; Reconfigurable Masonry Settlements for Refugees by **Anna Kaletkina**

Topology Optimization As Architectural Form-Finding

Using structural topology optimization to generate architectural geometry by **Rick van Dijk**

A Topology Optimization Process for Discrete Modular Design based on Discrete Element Modelling for generating reconfigurable funicular structures

A Topology Optimization Process for Discrete Modular Design based on Discrete Element Modelling for generating reconfigurable funicular structures by **Qinglu Chen**

Block Partí

Generating straightforward block constructions with modular intricacies by **Selina Bitting**

Topological Stereotomic Design of System of Interlocking Stackable Modular Blocks for Constructing Multi-Storey Masonry Buildings

Topological Stereotomic Design of System of Interlocking Stackable Modular Blocks for Constructing Multi-Storey Masonry Buildings **Baolian Liu**

Bio-Inspired Approach to Early Stage Structural Form Finding

Bio-Inspired approach to early stage structural form finding by **Ivan Avdic**